Wednesday, June 16, 2004
"Joseph Goebbels was the Minister of Propaganda for the Nazi regime and whose very famous quote was, 'If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.' All right? 'If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth."
--Bill O'Reilly
Now Big Bill O went on to make it clear that Al Franken is a liar, and a Nazi, and blah blah blah. But I think that quote is very interesting, not to give credit to a Nazi for his truth telling, but, let's face it, that quote is so painfully relevant right now for any number of different reasons.
Dick Cheney is still telling tall tales about the Iraq/al-Qaida link. It was proven to be absolutely false by the 9/11 commission. So false in fact, that al-Qaida was working with the Kurds to fight against Saddam and his infidel secular regime. That 9/11 commission statement can be seen here.
The long lie becoming the truth is here: Bush backs Cheney on assertion linking Hussein, Al Qaeda
How totally entagled in absolute falsehoods can these two become?
Every story line of this war has been shown to be a lie. Jessica Lynch fighting down to her last bullet, rather than curling up on the ground and bawling her West Virginia Hollar White Trash Mascara Running eyes out. WMDs - you really can't say anything about these. Just mentioning the word makes me feel flaccid and powerless inside. They're such a massive lie that they are the truth now.
Bush has taken that sage Nazi wisdom to heart. You think that if HW Bush made that connection he wouldn't have pulled the ripcord on his 80th B-Day jump? He would have thumped loudly into the ground, and accusingly his juices and fluids that flew free of his aged, wrinkled and lumpy with broken bones body spurted out would sprinkle the soil around the Bush shaped impact crater would spell the following line: "My son is a liar, and had taken something that was good and far closer to the reality that all of us understand to be America, and he has broken it, possibly irrevocably, leaving us all kneeling before the executioner's block, necks extended, nude, trembling, sodomized and afraid."
I can see that fluid spattered sentence animated by Bill Plympton. That would be quite the campaign video.
--Bill O'Reilly
Now Big Bill O went on to make it clear that Al Franken is a liar, and a Nazi, and blah blah blah. But I think that quote is very interesting, not to give credit to a Nazi for his truth telling, but, let's face it, that quote is so painfully relevant right now for any number of different reasons.
Dick Cheney is still telling tall tales about the Iraq/al-Qaida link. It was proven to be absolutely false by the 9/11 commission. So false in fact, that al-Qaida was working with the Kurds to fight against Saddam and his infidel secular regime. That 9/11 commission statement can be seen here.
The long lie becoming the truth is here: Bush backs Cheney on assertion linking Hussein, Al Qaeda
How totally entagled in absolute falsehoods can these two become?
Every story line of this war has been shown to be a lie. Jessica Lynch fighting down to her last bullet, rather than curling up on the ground and bawling her West Virginia Hollar White Trash Mascara Running eyes out. WMDs - you really can't say anything about these. Just mentioning the word makes me feel flaccid and powerless inside. They're such a massive lie that they are the truth now.
Bush has taken that sage Nazi wisdom to heart. You think that if HW Bush made that connection he wouldn't have pulled the ripcord on his 80th B-Day jump? He would have thumped loudly into the ground, and accusingly his juices and fluids that flew free of his aged, wrinkled and lumpy with broken bones body spurted out would sprinkle the soil around the Bush shaped impact crater would spell the following line: "My son is a liar, and had taken something that was good and far closer to the reality that all of us understand to be America, and he has broken it, possibly irrevocably, leaving us all kneeling before the executioner's block, necks extended, nude, trembling, sodomized and afraid."
I can see that fluid spattered sentence animated by Bill Plympton. That would be quite the campaign video.